Saturday, January 16, 2010

Electronics 101

So in the last couple of weeks i have spoken with many of you, and managed to get in touch with some of you that are harder to find on the internet and there is a lot of interest and excitement and i am getting psyched for our first meet. I figured at this point it would be good to just let everybody know what i plan to cover for the first week, what you might want to bring, what time to come, what to expect, etc.
The time and day we are scheduled for is Sunday January 31st at 2:00 pm. I plan to spend the first 1/2 hour discussing things about the overall idea: How often we want different workshops to meet, how often we want all the workshops to meet together, what other resources we might be able to tap into for meetings, what other workshops have been suggested that people are interested in and anything else that seems pertinent.
The first workshop will then begin for basic electronics. This workshop assumes you have no prior knowledge of electronics, but does assume a basic knowledge of algebra. A scientific calculator will not be required for this but definitely might help when we start to get into some of the uglier stuff in subsequent workshops. A notebook or graph paper and pencil is a very good idea. I promise I will try and keep things as painless as possible for you all.

For the first workshop I plan to cover:
Basic Soldering
DC Circuit Basics
We will make a Lamp and an LED light up!
We will learn about OHM's Law and why it is so great
Engineering Notation
The wonders of the Multimeter

I think that is about all. If you have any questions send them here. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there and i think it is going to be a lot of fun!